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Friday, April 8, 2011

Mitochondrial Eve

The mitochondrial Eve, which is said looks like the woman in this picture, is the mother of all humanity. But who knows what she looked like, who can say for sure unless there is some proof like a fossil found or something. Some people say that there was a mutation in the older lineage that humans came from. There are a lot of debates on how Eve was created/ evolved and all we have is scientific guesses.

We have 5 guesses about what kind of races were the first ones to evolve on this earth.

One of which is the African race. Usually with dark skin and broad nose.

Another one is Oriental race. They have dark eyes like the ones in the African race. People from China and Japan are in this category.

Native Indians and Eskimos are another lineage that are considered one of the first ones that arose from the Mitochondrial Eve. 

Middle Eastern or Indians are also considered one of these lineages. 

The last group is the white/light skin-colored people. They are also a possible descendant. 

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